Your holiday diary

Reservations for the 80th anniversary of the landing are closed. The remaining places are intended for passing customers.

Find, day by day, all the appointments and events.

Consult the main dates that will punctuate your stay at Camping** de la Prairie in Port en Bessin in Calvados in Normandy.

Ideas for outings, exhibitions, guided tours, cultural agenda... All the unmissable events in the region!

Bayeux Tourist Office

Omaha Beach Tourist Office


Cathedral meetings

In Bayeux, freedom has its roots!

Two jewels staged for a grandiose nighttime spectacle:

> On the monumental Tree of Liberty (1797), a projection at 360° of a dozen stories of freedom: from the Revolution to Flower Power, via the Liberation and Martin Luther King... a dazzling technological and artistic challenge!< /p>

> On the sumptuous and radiant cathedral, but also on the surrounding monuments, a colorful dressing made of a thousand lights comes alive to the rhythm of the projections... Magical!

The summer event to discover absolutely… and freely!